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These wonderful art pieces will be available to bid on at our Silent Art Auction at our Family Reading Night on March 1st at 6:30pm.  All proceeds will support our Community Service Project.


This year, the Browns Point Elementary Community will be supporting Fundación Poder Joven, a nonprofit organization that serves the needs of children in Columbia who are victims of what the United Nations identifies as the worst humanitarian crisis in the western hemisphere.


Poder Joven serves 130 underprivileged school aged children in Medellin, Columbia to provide life opportunities to these victims of the humanitarian crisis in Colombia. These children live in regions of the city that are known as focus point for the armed conflict, beggaring, and drug dealing. Children are very prone to abandon their homes and adopt behaviors such as as consumption of drugs, mendacity, or delinquency.


Poder Joven provides services such as food (2 meals a day to supplement the one meal they receive at school), educational support (homework help, etc.), values (spiritual and meditation), recreation (sports) and medical. 



  • $1 = 2 meals for a child

  • $13 = Field trips fully funded for one child for one school year

  • $50 = School supplies and tuition fully fully funded for one child for one school year


If you are unable to attend Family Reading Night but would still like to donate to Poder Joven, please click here to shop our online store and select the donation amount you prefer.


Mrs. Morris' Class

Acrylic “Dirty Pour” On Canvas

Mrs. Gallagher's Class

Hand Painted Platter

Mrs. Jensen's Class

"Handfuls of Sunshine"

Mrs. Liebl's Class

Acrylic on Canvas

Mrs. Hathorn's Class

Cubism on Wood Height Chart

Mrs. Hasensauer's Class

Seahawks Color Cubism On Wood

Mrs. Scott's Class

Colorful City Skyline On Canvas

Mrs. Larson's Class

Cubism on Wood Flower Garden

Mrs. Brady's Class

Fingerprint Home Sweet Home

Mrs. Fields' Class

Quarter Circles Watercolor

Mrs. Wimbles' Class

All You Need Is Love

Mrs. Rossetto's Class

Alcohol Ink On Tiles In Serving Tray

Mrs. Evans' Class

Washington State Insect: Dragon Fly

Mrs. Doney's Class I

Alcohol Ink

Mrs. Doney's Class II

Dirty Acrylic Pour

Mrs. Green's Class

Planter Box


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