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Tacoma Public Schools Nutrition Services Department will provide meals to all students affected by emergency school closures beginning Monday, March 16 at our middle school buildings.

  • Meals will be served between 10 a.m. and noon.

  • Each student will receive two meals: lunch for the day and breakfast for the following morning.

  • Please enter through the school's bus loading zone. Our Nutrition Services staff will serve drive-thru style. Walk-ups are also welcome. 

  • Please look for our onsite sandwich boards for additional directions.


The Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department has approved this process for meal distribution, which avoids people congregating in one area.

Meeker Middle school will serve our area during the closure and is located at: â€‹4402 Nassau Ave NE, Tacoma, WA 98422



  • Pierce County Food Banks:

  • Browns Point United Methodist Church Food Bank (5339 Browns Point Blvd, NE) 2nd and 4th Friday of the month from 4:30-6:00pm

  • The Harmon (1938 Pacific Ave, 98402) is offering free meals for kids 12 and under with the purchase of an adult meal. This is available all day long, seven days a week until school is back in session. 





This is one of the best resources that can be used during the closure. It follows your student’s current curriculum, and records progress as well as time spent on each subject. Along with their online learning site, i-Ready Online Home Connection has made available printable at-home activity packs are designed to provide students with valuable self-directed exercises and practice during extended absences from school. Each pack is designed to reinforce key concepts for a given grade. Click here to access:  - Online learning login screen- suggested screen time is 15 minutes 3x a week – Printable packets

I-Ready Log-on Instructions: 

Username = Students ID Number + tps (ex: 3012345tps)

Password = Students Birthday MMDD + First Two Letters of Last Name (ex: John Doe with a Birthday of March 6th would be 0306do)


Tip: You can find your child’s Student’s ID number on their last report card.



Moby Max Instructions:

  1. Visit 

  2. Enter School Name: [Browns Point] 

  3. Enter Username: [Your Child's Student Id#] If you don't know your child's Student ID number, contact your child's teacher. You can also find your child’s Student’s ID number their last report card. 

  4. Password: TPS 

  5. Once logged in, your child will immediately start the lessons and begin improving his or her skills.



Tacoma School District has put together an assortment of resources for families to reference and use during the closure. These resources will help students practice their skills and learn independently during their time away from school.  Tacoma School District Optional Learning



Our school holds a subscription to Britannica School - a safe, up-to-date, and age appropriate information resource for Elementary, Middle, and High School students. 

To log on, click here: Britannica School

username: tacomasd

password: access



What is it?  Free online access to ebooks & learning resources

How does it work?  To access the online sources, including downloadable ebooks and learning resources, go to You’ll find instructions on how to get logged in and set up.

What if my child’s Student ID number won’t work? Email Ms. White, BP Librarian, and she will work on the district end of the problem. cwhite@tacoma.k12.wa.





Dear Families: 

This is very difficult times for all of us.  We hope that the District’s academic resources will be helpful and keep your kiddos busy and learning. We know it does not replace our teachers’ direct instruction, but it will keep their brains stimulated.  Currently, our teachers are working at home, completing your child’s report card.  They will be sending them to me, electronically, so I can read them.  I will be mailing them out at the end of this month. 

Lastly, Kids need structure and consistency.  Your child is use to a school schedule, 5 days a week.  Here are some helpful tips during this time away from school:

  • Keep your children on a schedule that matches the school week.  Have them get up at the same scheduled time in the mornings.

  • Have the same scheduled time, daily, to work on academics.

  • Schedule lunch the same time, every day

  • Have daily scheduled physical activities, too.

  • Have them keep their same bedtime, during the week.


Children need a predictable day that is made up of a consistent routine.  It is important that they continue to practice good study habits.  The more their day matches the school schedule, the easier life will be for you. It will also be much easier for them to transition back to school, once the closure is lifted. 



  • Comcast is offering ‘Internet Essentials’ package for low income families. Effective Monday, March 16th, new Internet Essentials customers will receive two free months of Internet services. After your first two free months expire, you can either cancel the service (which you can do at any time) or keep it as a regular paying Internet Essentials customer. You will receive an easy to use self-install kit that includes a cable modem with a WiFi router. There is no term contract or credit check and no shipping fee for equipment. You can apply and see if you qualify by going to

  • City of Tacoma Utility Bill Assistance: To assist community members in need of assistance paying their utility bills, please follow this link:

  • AT&T – If your family already uses AT&T, for the next 60 days they will not terminate any services due to being unable to pay a bill, waive any late payment fees, keep their public WiFi hotspots open. All AT&T internet customers can use unlimited internet data. You can go to this link to learn more if you are an AT&T customer:



  • Raising Girls: This nonprofit has care packages of feminine hygiene products. If you could benefit, you can email them at and they will coordinate how to get the care bags to you. 

  • Child Care Resource: They have a database of all licensed child care programs in Washington. They have subsidies to families experiencing homelessness and additional resources like diapers, wipes, and bus tickets. You can contact them M-F from 8:30-4:30 at 1-800-446-1114.

How To Support The NE Tacoma Healthy Kids Weekend Meal Program

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The NE Tacoma Healthy Kids Coalition is a partnership with staff and PTAs from the four local schools in NE Tacoma, along with additional community partners, that is focused on providing weekend meals and other basic needs support to students in our community.


During the COVID-19 outbreak and school closures, we are partnering with local schools and other partners to ensure our NE Tacoma families have continued access to weekend meal support.


Consider making a financial donation to the NE Tacoma Healthy Kids Coalition (donations are received through Browns Point PTA which is a 501(c)(3)).  This is the quickest way for you to support our efforts.  The Coalition can then use funds to purchase food supplies and other basic needs support to serve our families.

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Find us: 

1526 51st St NE

Tacoma, WA 98422

© 2024 by Browns Point PTA.

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