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Get Involved


All PTA programs, events and activities need team leaders plus committee/program volunteers.  We have opportunities big and small – from chairing (leading a committee) to sending in store bought food items for school events. Please review the volunteer opportunities and let us know which programs you would be interested in participating with during the school year.  All dates subject to change due to school/district events. Contact us to let us know what events interest you!

Join The PTA Today!

The Browns Point Elementary School PTA has been actively committed to the success of our school’s  students, staff and teachers for over 30 years. Because of moms, dads, grandparents, aunts and uncles just like you is how we continue this tradition.


Volunteering with PTA can work with the time you have available. But we can’t work without the brilliant ideas, then endless energy, or the dedication of parents just like you! There is a place for you in the Browns Point PTA.


Visit our online store to purchase a household ($25) or a single ($13) PTA membership. Joining PTA means you are a part of a very special group of parents who want to be more connected to their children's school. 

Three decades of research shows children whose parents are involved get better grades, do better on tests, and have fewer discipline problems at school. 

Watch D.O.G.S.

Are you a dad, grandpa, uncle, big brother, or other male role model that would like to participate in Watch D.O.G.S (Dads Of Great Students)?

Support your student(s) and teachers by providing a great role model in school during class and recess. 

Watch D.O.G.S. volunteer slots are on Monday and Friday each week, with a morning and afternoon session available for each of these days. 


Shop And Give

The Browns Point PTA has partnered with Fred Meyer Community Rewards!


Sign up for the Community Rewards program by linking your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to Browns Point PTA!


Click here and search for us by our name or by our non-profit number (LQ384). Then, every time you shop and use your Rewards Card, you are helping Browns Point PTA earn a donation!


Don’t worry--you still earn your Rewards Points, Fuel Points, and Rebates, just as you do today! If you do not have a Rewards Card, they are available at the Customer Service desk of any Fred Meyer store. 

Kid Grocery Shopping

Books For Birthdays

Leave a legacy by donating a book to our library!

Make your child’s birthday extra special and help our library to grow by donating the cost of a new book to the Browns Point Elementary library.


Purchase pre-selected books directly from the Browns Point Amazon Wish List and have them shipped to the school library. The school librarian keeps the book wish list current on Amazon. Please be sure to include your child’s name in the gift message section when ordering.

The wish list may be accessed using this link. If on Amazon directly, under the “Wish List” drop down menu, select “Find a Wish List or Registry” and search for Browns Point Elementary.

Once the book is purchased, your child will get to be the first to check out the book, and it will come with a special book plate affixed to the inside cover with your child’s name and the year the book was donated. Please note that your donation is tax-deductible, and you will be provided with a receipt for your records.


This is a wonderful way to celebrate your child and help grow our fabulous library. We will celebrate all those who have donated a book with an end of the year Books for Birthdays Party.

Pile of Books


All  PTA  programs,  events  and  activities need team leaders plus committee volunteers. We encourage all Browns Point Elementary PTA members and parents to participate. We have opportunities big and small. From leading a committee to sending in store bought food items for school events.

Requests for volunteers are generally sent in the weekly In The Loop Newsletter but we also encourage you to reach out to us with your interest and availability!  

People are often reluctant to participate because they are afraid they will get pulled into a black hole of never-ending volunteering. We don’t want that to happen. We won’t push you to commit more than you want or are able to.  

We have a wide variety of volunteer opportunities and all are fun, interesting and rewarding. Review the list of PTA sponsored programs below and let us know if any are of interest to you!

More Ideas For Getting Involved

Art Docent

Volunteers coordinate with teachers to provide monthly art activity for students. No special background in art is necessary. 

All Year

Beluga Runners

Assist students who want to walk/jog/run on the track during recess. Track student mileage, promoting event and coordinating prizes.



Books For Birthdays

Promote the Books for Birthdays program which brings new books to the school library. Organize end of year celebration and serve cake or cupcakes to program participants.

All Year

Community Service Projects

Volunteers needed to help with school wide community service projects. Past projects have been providing no sew blankets, shoe drive, donating toiletries and clothing to The Tacoma Rescue Mission, etc.


Fifth Grade Fundraiser

Parents of 5th graders needed to assist with fifth grade fundraiser. The fifth grade fundraiser helps to offset the cost of camp and helps to fund the fifth grade party.


Fifth Grade Party

Volunteers needed to plan end of year celebration for graduating fifth grade students.


Emergency Preparednes

Volunteers assist with stocking and maintaining emergency preparedness supplies; including inventory & restocking classroom emergency supplies.

All Year


Volunteers procure/donate food and drink for specific events (BooHoo Yahoo Breakfast, Veteran's Day Assembly, Staff Appreciation Week, etc.) as requested by Hospitality Chair and school staff/ administration.   

All Year


Volunteers help with PTA membership information updates through data entry support – majority of work is in the fall. Volunteers also help recruit PTA members.

All Year

Photography & Yearbook

Volunteers needed to take pictures at school and PTA events for submission to the year book. Are in charge of putting the year book together.

All Year

Popcorn Days Fundraiser

Volunteers distribute Popcorn Day notices, collect money, pop and distribute popcorn on popcorn day to support 5th grade camp and party.

All Year

Spring Fundraiser

Volunteers organize and facilitate BPE’s biggest fundraiser, including procuring prizes, and assisting with daily collections in the weeks leading up to the fundraiser.



Volunteers coordinate with teachers to provide STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) related activities and projects. 


Follow us:

Find us: 

1526 51st St NE

Tacoma, WA 98422

© 2024 by Browns Point PTA.

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