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Meet Your PTA


The Browns Point Elementary School Parent Teacher Association (PTA) proudly supports daily activities and campus community events for parents, teachers, and students of Browns Point Elementary. 


Active involvement in your child's educational experience is a great way to ensure success! Popular activities supported and managed by the PTA include the Dance-A-Thon, Popcorn Thursdays, Best Recess Ever, Multicultural Night, and many others throughout the school year.


Below you'll find a brief introduction to the 2023-2024 PTA board members.



Kerri Kinnee

Favorite thing about Brown's Point Elementary:

It's the staff, I love that each of them welcomes you with a smile and treat the students as if they were their own kids.

How long have you been at Browns Point Elementary:

My oldest is in 5th grade, so we have been lucky enough to have been at Browns Point for the past 5 1/2 years.

Favorite PTA Event: 

There are so many PTA events that it is hard to choose a favorite, but if I had to choose only 1, it would be the Back to School Picnic, because it's always great seeing all of the families after being away for a few months. We've been pretty lucky with some great weather these past few years too so that helps 😊


Sharon Crosby

Favorite thing about Browns Point Elementary:

The family engagement is strong at Browns Point Elementary, and I would have to say the support received from staff.

How long have you been at Browns Point Elementary: 6 years

Favorite PTA Event:

The Fall Carnival



Heather Serapio

Favorite thing about Browns Point Elementary: Browns Point Elementary is a great school for many reasons. I love that the kids get to participate in so many fun activities during and after school. Along with learning, the kids get to have fun and celebrate being a kid! The teachers and staff at the school are great and we have always felt supported by them.

How long have you been at Browns Point Elementary: We have been at the school for 3 years so far. My daughter Gabi is in 2nd grade and is having a blast! I also attended the school as a kid :)

What is your favorite PTA event:

I always look forward to the school carnival. It’s usually the first big event to kick off the school year and it’s nice to see all of the families after summer break and meet new ones. It’s a lot of fun to see the games and booths people make!


Whitney Eklund

Favorite thing about Browns Point Elementary: The amazing staff and parents that we get to interact with each day.

How long have you been at Browns Point Elementary: Almost three years. I have kids in 2nd grade and kindergarten. 

Favorite PTA Event:

Trivia and Bingo nights - they are low key, but super fun!


Financial Secretary

Kristi Woods

My favorite thing about Browns Point Elementary: The community of parents, teachers and staff and kiddos. 

How long have you been at Browns Point Elementary:

Our family has been at Browns Point since the fall of 2021, when Harrison started Kindergarten. Although we've been in the neighborhood since 2013, and we used to drive by weekly and watch the new school being built. 

What is your favorite PTA event:

My favorite PTA event is the back-to-school picnic. I just love seeing everyone again after the summer (and usually the weather is still sunny). 

Fundraising Coordinator

Brandi Visker

Favorite thing about Browns Point Elementary: The amazing, caring teachers and the strong family participation and support.
How long have you been at Browns Point Elementary: Since 2016!
Favorite PTA Event:
Back to School Picnic, the weather is warm and it's an exciting time at the school. 


Membership Coordinator

Tiffany Jernigan​

Favorite thing about Browns Point Elementary: We are a very local and supported school. 

How long have you been at Browns Point Elementary: Way too long, a total of 15 years so far.

Favorite PTA Event:

That's a hard one. 

Social Media Coordinator

Kasey Correia

Favorite thing about Browns Point Elementary:

The PTA 😊 and the people. We have an amazing Principal, awesome teachers, wonderful staff, and of course all the kiddos! 
How long have you been at Browns Point Elementary: Since 2020, almost 3 years. 
Favorite PTA Event:

The Fall Family Carnival because it’s a great way to kick off the new school year and BINGO Night because it’s fun and great for all ages. But mostly because Edison actually won and to see his excitement was pure happiness for me!


PTA Executive Committee

The PTA Executive Committee (EC) is made up of the officers of the local PTA Unit. These individuals are elected in April of each year.


A Nominations Committee recruits individuals and submits the slate to the general membership for vote.

Join PTA today!

Visit our online store to purchase a household ($24) or a single ($12) PTA membership. Joining PTA means you are a part of a very special group of parents who want to be more connected to their children's school. Three decades of research shows children whose parents are involved get better grades, do better on tests, and have fewer discipline problems at school. ​


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